Top 10 best shows of all time. Ever. Dot, the end of it.
10) Scooby-Doo – This lovable pup has been pleasing audiences since 1969. A cartoon with a live laugh track? Awesome!
9) Futurama – Suicide booths in the future. Enough said.
8) The Simpsons – Another great show that’s been on since the dawn of time. Who hasn’t spent tons of time wasting their life away watching The Simpsons?
7) Family Guy – Think of Family Guy as The Simpsons on crack.
6) Star Trek (All of Them) – The best are absolutely The Next Generation and Voyager, but really they’re all just extensions of one another. And come on, who doesn’t want a halodeck?
5) Robot Chicken – Who knew that Snuggle the fabric softener bear getting raped could be so funny?
4) Buffy The Vampire Slayer – Vampires, werewolves, witches, and lets not forget singing demons! This show has EPIC written all over it!
3) Xena: Warrior Princess – Maybe my inner lesbian is trying to escape, but when I watch Xena I’m enthralled! Yes, it’s very corny. But when you make a show about a frisbee welding warrior princess who takes on Greek mythology you have to have a sense of humor.
2) Avatar: The Last Airbender – This is Nickelodeon’s version of anime and they hit nail right on the head. They take a deep story line and mix in spectacular imagery and imagination. The only thing wrong with the show is that it was only three seasons.
1) Courage The Cowardly Dog – Who? Yeah, no one really knows about Courage but he’s my hero. A small dog living in the middle of nowhere saving his family every week from all the crazy stuff life throws at them be it alien ducks to militant eggplants. The show is by far in another category of humor, and for most it’s probably a miss. For me, it’s a bulls eye.