
Cell Phone Victory!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So the CA court ruled that it's illegal for cell phone carriers to have early cancellation fees, or contracts. Sprint was ordered to pay back customers who had paid these fees and to even pay customers who canceled early and didn't pay the termination fee (like myself.) This ruling might get overturned, but for now its not.

I wonder when CA will start enforcing this? With this ruling it would make canceling my T-mobile contract simple, and it should make my collection from AT&T disappear. So either I can switch to AT&T and get an iPhone, or AT&T won't be able to legally lock the iPhone and I can just take one over to T-mobile...

I hope the wheels on this get rolling soon!

Read about it at:

San Francisco Chronicle
Tech Trader Daily


Katy said...

How will it make it not legal for AT&T to lock the iphone if it's only effecting cancellation fees?

Just wondering.

Yay though!

Kevin said...

If I'm not mistaken it is currently illegeal for a carrier to keep a phone locked past it's contract period. That is if you asked them to unlock your phone after your contract they have to because that phone is your property and without the contract there is no need to have it locked to one carrier. If we get rid of contracts all together then I would assume that would make it so all phones would probably have to be sold unlocked them.

But I'm just speculating. Or really I guess hoping...

Katy said...

Gotcha... we'll keep our fingers crossed.